Tag: Denver
Cleveland and 16th
And then there were none…
A couple weeks ago we did a service project with an organization called Feed MY Starving Children in downtown Denver. We packaged enough food for 130 kids for a year in about an hour. Also, the light outside was nice.
Light and Lines
End of Summer
In Denver we are getting our first taste of winter today, so it seemed fitting to have a reminder of warmer weather.
I have had a nice long break to collect my thoughts and have some rest from weekly posting. I was feeling a lot of pressure from the constant cycle of shoot/edit/post, with editing being the challenge as I would frequently do all three in one day.
What I want to try now is to leave a buffer between the shooting and editing stages so that I can have more of an objective view when selecting which photos to process. We all struggle with liking a photo because it’s good versus like a photo because we can remember how we felt at the time of capture. For example, these photos are from three months ago. We will see how this goes.
Work Space
I am always interested to see where other people work, but I do not usually think to take pictures of my own work place. These spaces are not were I spend most of my time, but I have spent enough time here that it sticks out in my mind.