Still Waiting for Summer

A group from my church traveled to a camp in Westcliffe Colorado last weekend to help clean up after a wind storm. The storm was actually over a year ago, the damage was extensive with winds well over 100 miles-per-hour. Back in the city winter doesn’t want to go away, we are still waiting for …


This week was a struggle for me to find any sort of photographic inspiration. Waiting until nearly the last minute, I finally forced myself out the door, falling back on “just shoot something”. It almost seems like the cyclist in the foreground is looking for a connection, maybe based on a common interest. But in …


One thing I really like about my LX3 is the manual focusing. There is a “focus” button on top to do an auto-focus over-ride which can help make manual focusing faster. But what is even better is an on screen DoF scale. The focus range changes with aperture and focal length to make hyperfocal focusing …